
You can tell a lot about someone based on who they admire. Here are a few of mine:

Benjamin Franklin – Statesman, writer, scientist.

            Ben Franklin, one of the fathers of our country, was one of the last true Renaissance men. He was noted in the field of science, developing simple-but-brilliant concepts like the lightning rod, taming the power once thought to be the bolts of god, and thus making our modern world possible. He was also a noted writer, producing the first yearly almanac, along with much of the work establishing America as a nation.

Shigeru Miyamoto – Creative mind 

            The creator of Mario, Link, and others is not an English speaker as a first language, but he has a very important skill for anyone who seeks knowledge. He has an active imagination, and he uses it. This is absolutely necessary for the developing mind of a reader.

Stephen Hawking – Physicist

            Dr. Hawking defines the capability of rising above challenges and always continuing to search for new knowledge. His specialty of writing about scientific topics for the public audience shows an admirable talent for communication that should be a writer’s stock-in-trade.