Quotes, Books, and Links


“We remember those who prepared the way, seeing through them also.”Carl Sagan

This was more about science than English particularly, but it’s highly applicable. In the English classroom, we examine the assembled canon from around the world, learning about how language changes, and how it stays the same. Remember that the ancient Greeks called science “Natural philosophy”, and language is a philosophical exercise. It’s all related!

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Symphony of Science by “MelodySheep”

               This is a shining example of creative skill, presenting information in a brand new way, and demonstrating an enjoyment of the material that you can bring to your work with enough motivation.

More High Schools Implement iPad Programs by “US News & World Report”

                When I went to high school, the only computer that was running the then-current Windows 95 was in the library. The computers we used in our computer classes (!) were the green-screen machines that ran off 5 ¼” floppy discs. We live in a high-tech society, and we need to integrate technology into classrooms much more than we are, in order for our students to be competitive in the global markets.

TEDtalks by “TED Conferences, LLC”

               We’re back at my watchword of networks. TED brings people together from widely disparate fields to talk about new developments across a wide range of topics. A quick search finds me plenty of material I can use.